Scotland Coffee Chat
Photo courtesy of Libby McGratten
This coffee chat meets on a rotation basis on Thursday nights from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Watch the local events calendar for dates and times. People meet online by Zoom to chat about their successes and frustrations. Sharing your experiences might help someone else in the group. To register or for more information, contact:
Facilitator: Lorraine Irving & Eunice Robinson
Announcement and News
CELTIC FEST - March 25, 2023 1pm - 4pm Surrey Museum, 17710-56a St. Surrey
Scottish Genealogy and History Websites
Scotland's People Scottish civil registrations, parish records, census records and much more. Free to search, but pay to view records. Has useful guides.
National Records of Scotland General Register Office for Scotland & National Archives. Has useful guides.
Coverage of Old Parish Records (National Records of Scotland)
National Register of Archives for Scotland (National Records of Scotland) Survey of papers of individuals, estates, and families
National Library of Scotland Maps, including Ordnance & military maps, directories, newspapers, more than 50,000 digital images and 150,000 records
Scottish Archive Network (SCAN)
Scottish Records Association A free downloadable book on “Scottish Handwriting 1500 - 1700”.
Anglo-Scottish Family History Society (Manchester and Lancashire Family History Society). Scottish Strays, Scottish Marriage Index, Search for free, add your own family details
Scottish Places
Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba (AÀA) - Gaelic Place-Names of Scotland Searchable database of Gaelic place-names in Scotland
Scotland's Places Searchable gazetteer, official surveys and reports. Also searchable tax rolls, Ordnance Survey name books by subscription. Sponsored by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS), the National Records of Scotland (NRS), the National Library of Scotland (NLS), with support from the School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh and the Scottish Government
Glasgow Family History Mitchell Library and Glasgow Archives, resources and information to assist in researching Glasgow ancestors
Virtual Mitchell, Glasgow Old photographs of Glasgow streets, buildings and people
Capital Collections The image library for the collections of Edinburgh Libraries and Museums and Galleries
Inner Hebrides (including Coll, Colonsay, Eigg, Islay, Jura, Mull, Raasay, Rùm, Skye, Tiree)
Islay Genealogy Guides, indexes, documents
Islay History A blog by Neil Gordon-Orr
Islay articles and photographs Becky Williamson, Geograph® Britain and Ireland project - collecting "geographically representative photographs and information for every square kilometre of Great Britain and Ireland..."]
Ultimate Online Guide to the Isle of Islay Travel, history, photographs, free newsletter
Outer Hebrides
Roots Hebrides Genealogy for Lewis, Harris, Uist, Barra, Eriskay, Taransay, Scalpay, Berneray
Fàilte gu From 1838, hundreds of families from the Isle of Lewis were evicted from their homes and sent to the Eastern Townships of Quebec and Bruce County, Ontario
St. Kilda World Heritage Site, National Trust for Scotland
Shetland Isles
Wir Unst Family A one place study of family history on the Isle of Unst
Orkney Islands
Sib Folk: Orkney Family History Society
OrkneyJar The heritage of the Orkney Islands